We’ve Moved

30 03 2009

Update your bookmarks or weekly “procrastinating-real-work” blog traffic to the new RyanSworth.com.


Come on folks, get a move on, nothing to see here.

If the Barn Needs Painting, Paint It

24 03 2009

So last week was another one of those monumental weeks – one for the books. More on that later this week. First though, lets start with the easy stuff…

Its been a long time coming, but little ol’ RyanSworth.com finally has received a well-deserved facelift. I figure that if I really wanted to call myself a graphic designer, then I  should probably be able to design my own blog. So I did. And my good friend Caleb did all the pro-style coding to make it look fancy. There are still a few tweaks that we’re making, but all in all I’m super happy with how everything’s turned out. And if you’re like “What the fat are you talking about? I still see the old blog. Nothing’s changed. You’re a liar,” its because you haven’t updated your bookmark to www.ryansworth.com. So do it. And quit calling me a liar. Jerk.

Oh Heck Yes

17 03 2009

Color me excited.


Happy 50,000

16 03 2009

Well that’s one way to start off the week…
That’s right – the ol’ bloggity blog hit 50K total views over the weekend. And in honor of the milestone, be expecting some nice new changes around here this week. Hows that for baiting the hook? And here to celebrate the big day, Manute Bol and Mugsy Bogues…


Minesweeper: The Movie

14 03 2009

Another movie based on a video game. Amazing.

T-Shirt Bonanza ’09: The Next 30

11 03 2009

What? You thought I forgot about this? Or that maybe I got distracted or something? No way Jose, this thing is just getting started. And based on a rough guestimate, I’d say I’m less than 1/3 of the way through. Here is day 16 through 45 (here’s day 1 through 15 if you like to reminisce). Click on them if you wanna get a better look. And big thumbs up to G-off, who’s been behind the camera for 98% of these hot pics.

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

10 03 2009

Apparently this dancing lady can tell you whether or not you’re creative or analytical.

If shes going counter-clockwise, you’re left-brained.
If shes moving clockwise, you’re right-brained.

Who knew. A psychologist somewhere is kicking himself for wasting all that money on an education.

Whichever way she spins for you, she could probably stand to have some clothes on. I’m just saying.

via El Clinto

Fresh and Minty

5 03 2009

Keeping on the money train, I’ve been working on my personal budgeting skills (or malfunctions) the past few months trying to get all prepped for my wedding and the subsequent combined bank accounts/incomes/budgets that will be happening shortly there after. Since I’ve never technically balanced my own check book and I’ve been known a time or two to dip into the “Overdraft Protection” funds, I’m generally a walking nightmare when it comes to finances. All I know is that typically I make more than I spend, and when I don’t, I have a few credit cards to work with. And I save. Sometimes. I know, I know, I’m a train wreck.

Then I met Mint.com – a fresh look at budgeting – that’s free. Imagine a budget website that’s ridiculously easy to use and doesn’t force you to really do any leg work at all except input all your credit cards and bank accounts (don’t worry you freakin’ pessimists – it’s super safe). Next, sit back and watch the magic happen. Mint tracks all your money, creates you a budget based on your previous spending, categorizes all your purchases, and shows it all to you in pretty pie charts and bar graphs. You don’t have to do a thing. It updates itself every time you log in. They even send you e-mail updates when you’ve gone over budget or if you have a credit card payment due this week. And did I mention it’s free? Yeah. It’s amazing. So if you’re like me and not that financially sophisticated, go sign up now. And save some money. Or at least find out where all your money went.

The Credit Crisis Visualized

3 03 2009

I didn’t really pay attention in accounting class. And my economics professor was Chinese so there was a bit of a language barrier. If only everything they said could have been explained to me like this, I’d be so much smarter. It also explains why so many people look like this guy:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Thanks Jonathan Jarvis.

And for more of those guys with their hands on their faces, go here.

Atlantis and the End of the Rainbow: Found

2 03 2009

Google wants to own the world. Everyone should know that by now. They’ve made practically every comepetitor obsolete (remember when Yahoo was a seach engine, not a place for your Fantasy Football league?) and those they couldn’t beat, they bought (I’m looking at you YouTube). And since Google Earth/Maps/Street View hit the scene a few years back, geeks/travelers/future home buyers/stalkers have never had an easier time seeing anywhere in the world in a mater of seconds. And now, they’ve apparently found the lost city of Atlantis. Go figure. If anybody was gonna do it, it’d be Google. Here’s the Google Map link.


Not to be outdone however, a guy in California found the end of the rainbow.

So suck it Google. You don’t own us yet.