If the Barn Needs Painting, Paint It

24 03 2009

So last week was another one of those monumental weeks – one for the books. More on that later this week. First though, lets start with the easy stuff…

Its been a long time coming, but little ol’ RyanSworth.com finally has received a well-deserved facelift. I figure that if I really wanted to call myself a graphic designer, then I  should probably be able to design my own blog. So I did. And my good friend Caleb did all the pro-style coding to make it look fancy. There are still a few tweaks that we’re making, but all in all I’m super happy with how everything’s turned out. And if you’re like “What the fat are you talking about? I still see the old blog. Nothing’s changed. You’re a liar,” its because you haven’t updated your bookmark to www.ryansworth.com. So do it. And quit calling me a liar. Jerk.